Welcome to the Kentucky & Ohio branch of the Ausar Auset Society International

dedicated to preserving and sharing the ancient wisdom of Egypt

Ausar Auset Society (AAS) is an international organization dedicated to the Pan-African spiritual teachings of Kamit (Ancient Egypt) through the work of Shekhem Ur Shekhem (King of Kings) and Ashem Ur Ashemu (High Priest), Dr. Ra Un Nefer Amen. With over 40 books masterly written, the Metu Neter series is the heart of the society's curriculum. Founded in 1973 with headquarters in New York, AAS has 35 branches throughout the US, UK, Toronto, Bermuda, Trinidad, South Africa, and Ghana.

Since the teachings came to Kentucky-Ohio in 1990, we have been teaching classes and providing the tools that aim at the awakening of the Ausar principle (The Divine Self) within each of us. Students and members learn successful ways to overcome the daily challenges of life. Our services are equipped by our qualified priests of over 30 years,

Heq Shemsu Heru Saunghk Sa EmTutu & Shekhem Ä Sih Aqaqa Ba!

You too can learn Kamitic Philosophy (Cosmology), 11 Law Initiation Instruction, Meditation, Yoga, Nutrition, Qi Gong, BaZi Charting & Philosophy, and Consultations with the Metu Neter & I Ching Oracles, and more!

Our teachings and practices empower individuals to reconnect with their spiritual heritage and live a more fulfilling life.



Helping individuals in spiritual growth with classes based on Ra Un Nefer Amen's teachings. By exploring the 11 laws of Maat, we aim to unlock spiritual potential and guide people towards achieving their divine state. The program offers support for beginners and those facing challenges in their spiritual journey.


Visit our online store to explore a wide range of products including CDs, books, and items for your health and wellness needs. Experience the transformative power of Dr. Ra Un Nefer Amen's teachings and products today.

Our spiritual readings service offers the opportunity to receive life guidance through the powerful Metu Neter and I Ching oracle systems, facilitated by the esteemed High Priest Shekhem ä Sih Aqaqa Ba. Whether you are seeking insight into major life goals, direction, relationships, career, or other areas of importance, our readings can provide valuable wisdom and clarity. With a deep understanding of these ancient divination methods, High Priest Shekhem ä Sih Aqaqa Ba can offer profound insights and guidance to help navigate your spiritual journey and achieve your highest potential. Embrace the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of your path and make empowered decisions with the help of our spiritual readings service.


The Ausar Auset Society has completely transformed my life. I have found peace, clarity, and a deep connection to my spiritual roots.

I am so grateful for the teachings and guidance of the Ausar Auset Society. It has truly been a life-changing experience for me.

The Ausar Auset Society has given me the tools and knowledge to connect with my higher self and navigate life with purpose and intention.

I highly recommend the Ausar Auset Society to anyone seeking spiritual growth and enlightenment. It is a truly transformative journey.


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Featuring Authors

Hehi Metu Ra Enkamit

Ur Aua Hehi Metu Ra Enkamit has been a member of the Ausar Auset Society since 1975. He was appointed Ur Aua (Paramount King) by Shekhem Ur Shekhem Ra Un Nefer Amen, Chief Priest and King of the Ausar Auset Society. As Ur Aua he is responsible for guiding the lives of Ausar Auset's members and the Society's activitiesin Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C. He is a member of the Society's Kheri Heb Priesthood and headed Ausar Auset's African Support Project.

Introducing his most recent publication...

Not In My Name. Reparation$$$ Now!

What we are witnessing today in the world is history-in-the-making, and Dr. Uraua
Hehimetu Ra Enkamit is a leading theorist seeking to open our eyes and ears to
catastrophes of the past that manifest in the present, and what can transpire in the
future if we fail to heed his clarion call.

His early inspiration from Brother Malcolm X frames much of his world view today –
from resurrecting the “fox and wolf” dichotomy in scrutinizing the dilemma of voting for a “lesser of two evils,” to emphasizing the critical importance of understanding world
history. Dr. Enkamit’s commentaries of past and current global issues from wars,
injustices and interventions waged by western powers in Haiti, the Congo, Palestine and
Zimbabwe, are essential to the significance of the book’s title, “Not In My Name.” And
his critical examination for how to achieve reparations inside the belly of the beast,
whether one agrees with his perspective or not, is worthy of consideration.

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"Out of the Mud"

Authored by Shekhemt Jahsasamut Apuatu

Out of the mud is a poignant and deeply moving memoir by Jahsasamut recounting her harrowing journey from being born to an imprisoned mother, through an abusive Foster system, to ultimate emergence as resilient and tenacious.

Out of the mud is not just a story of survival, but a beacon for those seeking to transcend the past and forge a path of healing...

Shekhem Kazembe Bediako

Kazembe Bediako was born in Georgetown, Guyana. Kazembe Bediako immigrated to the United States as a child. He received his Bachelors degree in English Literature from City University of New York where he completed his first novel (Breakfire! unpublished) and finished his first book of poems.

Bediako is also a priest in the Ausar Auset Society, a Pan-African religious organization that has been providing Afrocentric based spiritual training to the African-American community and to African descendants in the Diaspora, as well as a social vehicle that allows for the expression of the spiritual values learned. The religious practices are based on the indigenous traditional African cultures dating from the earliest documentable periods (Kamit [ancient Egypt], Indus Kush [pre-Aryan Vedantic India], Canaan [Palestine], and Kush/Nubia [Ethiopia/Sudan], and revolve around the oldest religion known to mankind – the Ausarian religion of ancient Kamit. The Kamitic Tree of Life (Paut Neteru) forms the basis of the cosmogony (philosophy) of this ancient system.

In 2010 he published Behutet: The Warrior Within.

In 2011 he published Leaves of Life: Medicinal Plants of Guyana.Vol 1

In 2012 he published Behutet: The Defeat of the Sebau. The sequel to Behutet: the Warrior Within

In 2013 He published Behutet: The Destruction of Man.

In 2016 He published The Tuat Vol 1: The Children of Light and the Magic Temple

In 2020 He published Leaves of Life: Select Medicinal Plants of Guyana with Healing Properties. Vol 2 Single Plants & Formulas

Trae Holiday connects with Ra Un Nefer Amen I to do a deep dive on his journey into spiritual development, becoming an author of over 50 books in 50 years, building Ausar Auset Society International, and bringing back ancient spiritual teachings.

His knowledge has been instrumental in understanding Kamitic science and how it connects to other ancient practices. He shares his joy for this path and why he continues to live as a Divine being and helps others do the same.
Listen & See Master Teacher Ra Un Nefer Amen, the author of MAAT, The Eleven Laws of God, and the 7-volume METU NETER series.